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madboy (the Story)
This is a fictional story based on true events. Certain details have been changed to protect the identities of all parties involved. Don’t take this too seriously, but also don’t take it lightly....
"The Bay area rap report card" by dejon paul
“2023 Bay Area/NorCal Report Card” presented by Dejon Paul For those who don’t know, Dejon Paul is a rap critic and creator of “A Day in LA” blog site and magazine. Paul,...
"a Bay area love story": playlist editon
This is something to keep your game on track. It’s not all about the club, show love to the household. Appreciate the moment and the people you choose to share it with. Love yours. Not his, not hers....
BHM series: The Green Book
The Negro Motorist Green Book: 1949 Facsimile Edition Believe it or not, there was a time in America where our people couldn’t go to a STK and enjoy the ambiance. We couldn’t go to a Crustacean’s...